Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It’s Never Too Late to Plan the Rest of Your Life

 So, you are now 18 or approaching your 18th birthday and your high school days are quickly coming to an end.  Congratulations on your achievements thus far.  It is now time for you to leave the nest and begin the rest of your life.  Do you have a plan for the rest of your life???  If you don’t, now is the time to get one.

Once high school is over it is your responsibility to take control of your life.  You must decide if you will be taking steps to further your education (by attending some form of higher education institution) or if you will be entering the workforce right away.  Whatever you choose just make sure you have a plan that will help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Planning is extremely important.  You should have an ultimate goal as well as short-term goals.  Each short-term goal should be a guide that will lead you along the way.  Every time you conquer one of those short-term goals you should be excited to move forward in order to conquer the next goal.  Before you know it, you will have completed your college coursework, completed one or two internships which will have given you some work experience (internships are extremely important because most companies now are looking for college graduates with some degree of work experience), and acquired a full time job in your field of study.

If you have a plan for your life you will avoid so many of those frustrating moments that come along with trying to find yourself as you live life.  A plan will help you stay focused.

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