Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An Example Plan

Here is an example plan for someone who is interested in working in the field of education.  (REMEMBER: This is just an example.  Your plan may need to be a bit more detailed.  It may need to include more steps, or even less steps.) 

Ultimate Goal:  To become a school principal

Short-term Goal Breakdown:
1.      Go to college
a.       Decide to go to college
b.      Choose a college that is the best fit for me
c.       Get accepted
d.      Find free money for school
e.       Go to class everyday and be on time
f.        Complete all assignments and study for all exams
2.      Tutoring
a.       Afterschool tutoring at a local high school, middle school, elementary school
b.      Tutor my friends
                                                                           i.      If they are taking a class that I have already taken and done well in (I should have received a grade A or B in that course to consider myself having had done well)
c.       Sign up to become a tutor for the athletic department at my school
3.      Do some observations
a.       Choose several different teachers from different schools and maybe even different subjects and grade levels.  Sit in the back of their classroom and just observe them for a few days.  This will teach me so much and it will help me in deciding what grade level I want to teach and even what subject would be best for me to teach.  (I must remember to get permission from the teacher and their principal before doing any observations)
4.      Student teaching
a.       Student teaching will give me real life experience in the class room.
b.      Typically student teachers will do some observations the first four to six weeks or so.  Then they will begin to take over teaching some of the material and eventually they may feel as if this is their classroom because they’re doing all the teaching and the actual teacher is observing and giving them tips on how to improve.
c.       Learn everything I possibly can from my mentor teacher.
5.      Graduate from college
a.       Hip-Hip-Hooray!!! I did it!!!  Now it’s time to find a job
6.      Get a job teaching
a.       I should actually be applying for jobs during my last year in college
b.      Many times the school in which individuals do their student teaching will hire them for a full time position as long as there is a need to fill a position and the individual has proven themselves worthy while doing their student teaching.
7.      Work in the school system as a teacher for a few years while I continue to further my education
a.       Become familiar with the school system
b.      Be the best teacher I can be
c.       Make sure all of my students excel in my classroom and have the necessary resources needed to move on to the next grade level
d.      Always be prepared for work
e.       Take control of my classroom
8.      Acquire a principal certification
9.      Get a job as a principal
a.       Congratulations!!!  I have reached my ultimate goal.
10.  Set new goals

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